Chiropractic Adjustments Athletes and Family Focus Care Find out more
Muscle Work Myofacial Release Find out more
Pregnancy Care Pediatric Care Find out more
Essential Living Chiropractic Practice Areas include Chiropractic Adjustments, Muscle Work and Pregnancy and Pediatric Care.
Essential Living Chiropractic services include Chiropractic Brain Balancing, Chiropractic Vibration Therapy and Nutrition and Supplements.
Sex: MaleFemale
Marital Status: SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowed
Number of Children: 0123456789
How did the problem start? SuddenlyGraduallyPost Injury
Is this condition:Getting WorseImprovingIntermittentConstantUnsure
Please list all areas where you are experiencing pain or discomfort:
What would you like to gain from your chiropractic care? Resolve existing condition(s)Overall WellnessBoth
Have you ever visited a chiropractor? YesNo
-If yes, what is their name?
What is their specialty? Pain ReliefPhysical Therapy & RehabNutritionalSubluxation-basedOther
Do you have any health concerns for any other family members?
Ever had any significant falls, surgeries or other injuries as an adult? YesNo
-If yes, please explain:
Notable childhood injuries? YesNo
Youth or college sports? YesNo
Any auto accidents? YesNo
Exercise frequently? None1-2x per week3-5x per weekDaily
What type of exercise?
How do you normally sleep? BackSideStomach
Do you wake up: Refreshed and ReadyStiff and Tired
Do you commute to work? YesNo
-If yes, how many minutes per day?
Alcohol 012345
Processed Food 012345
Water 012345
Artificial Sweetner 012345
Sugar 012345
Sugary Drinks 012345
Dairy 012345
Cigarettes 012345
Gluten 012345
Recreational Drugs 012345
Home 012345
Money 012345
Work 012345
Health 012345
Life 012345
Family 012345
5604 Old Bullard Rd. STE 101A Tyler, Texas 75703
Phone: (903) 630-5327
Email: Email Us