Chiropractic Adjustments Athletes and Family Focus Care Find out more
Muscle Work Myofacial Release Find out more
Pregnancy Care Pediatric Care Find out more
Essential Living Chiropractic Practice Areas include Chiropractic Adjustments, Muscle Work and Pregnancy and Pediatric Care.
Essential Living Chiropractic services include Chiropractic Brain Balancing, Chiropractic Vibration Therapy and Nutrition and Supplements.
Has your child ever received health care from any other professionals? YesNo
-If Yes, please explain:
How did the problem start? SuddenlyGraduallyPost Injury
Is this condition:Getting WorseImprovingIntermittentConstantUnsure
Has your child ever received care for this condition before? YesNo
What would you like to gain from your chiropractic care? Resolve existing conditionsOverall wellnessBoth
Have you ever visited a chiropractor? YesNo
-If Yes, what is their name?
What is their specialty? Pain ReliefPhysical Therapy & RehabNutritionalSubluxation-basedOther
Any fertility issues? YesNo
-If yes, please explain:
Did mother smoke? YesNo
-If yes, how many per week?
Did mother drink? YesNo
Did mother exercise? YesNo
Was mother ill? YesNo
Any ultrasounds? YesNo
Child's birth was: Natural Vaginal BirthScheduled C-SectionEmergency C-Section
At how many weeks was your child born?
Birth was: At homeAt birthing centerAt a hospitalOther
-If other, where:
Doctor or Obstetrician's Name:
Please check any applicable interventions or complications: NoneBreechInductionPain medsEpiduralEpisiotomyVacuum extrationForcepsOther
-If other, please explain:
Child's birth weight/lbs and oz:
Child's birth height/inches:
APGAR score at birth:
APGAR score after 5 minutes:
Was your child breastfed? YesNo
-If yes, how long?
Difficulty with breastfeeding? YesNo
Did they ever use formula? YesNo
-If yes, at what age?
-If yes, what type?
Does/did your child suffer from colic, reflux, or constipation as an infant? YesNo
Does/did your child frequently arch their neck/back, feel stiff, or band their head? YesNo
At what age did your child:
Have you chosen to vaccinate your child? NoYes, on delayed scheduleYes, on schedule
-If yes, please list any vaccination reactions:
Has your child received any antibiotics? NoYes
-If yes, how many times and list reason:
Night terrors or difficulty sleeping? YesNo
Behavioral, social or emotional issues? YesNo
How would you describe your child's diet? Mostly whole, organic foodsPretty averageHigh amounts of processed foods
5604 Old Bullard Rd. STE 101A Tyler, Texas 75703
Phone: (903) 630-5327
Email: Email Us